Steps to Ethical Decision-Making
Identify the ethical issue
(i.e.) what principle(s) is in conflict

Identify who is, or should be, involved in coming to a decision
(e.g.) patient/client, family, hospital administration, legal counsel

Determine if you have all the facts of the issue

Identify factors that governs the decision-making process
(e.g.) legislation, professional regulatory standards, organization polices

Determine possible course(s) of action

Choice #1
What are the ethical values & principles related to this choice?

What are the barriers, risks & benefits, of this choice?
Choice #2
What are the ethical values & principles related to this choice?

What are the barriers, risks & benefits, of this choice?

Choose a course of action, implement & document it

Evaluate the outcome
(i.e.) is further action needed, what did you learn & what can be done to prevent similar future occurrences?